Matt Britton, Chairman and General Counsel of 40 Days for Life USA, shares his experience visiting pro-life warriors in Australia, including spending time with Right To Life WA President, Steve Klomp.
Accompanying the video is a message from Shawn Carney, President of 40 Days for Life USA:
“Don’t let those obstacles deter you!”
Perhaps the greatest challenge of them all is the attack on our freedom of speech via buffer zone legislation.
Because the prayers of 40 Days for Life volunteers have been so effective, politicians in places like Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom have passed laws forcing pro-lifers to stay up to 150 meters away from abortion facilities.
It’s a great injustice… but God is more powerful than a buffer zone!
Last campaign, we visited Australia–where God has worked through 40 Days for Life volunteers and saved numerous moms and babies from abortion…in spite of crackdowns on pro-life speech.
Check out this new video, highlighting the pro-life heroes who refuse to give up.