About this program
There are many in our society who are Christian and also often strongly Pro Life. We know that the bible specifically refers to our life from conception – and how God knew us even before we were born (Before I formed you in the womb I knew you… Jeremiah 1:5) However, our society has cowed us into silence. We are afraid to declare our Christianity, much less our support for life, much less our support for traditional marriage and many other issues, because it affects our relationships, family, jobs and careers. There are even laws emerging that keep us silent.
And at the other end of life the laws that allow us to kill our sick, elderly and vulnerable all seem so reasonable don’t they? They all talk about relieving suffering, and a person’s choice to end their lives.
Yet we know these laws are wrong. We know that society is turning against Christ and the gifts – such as life – given to us by God.
But if Christians could all just unite. If they could all declare their Christianity and their Pro-Life stance, we could not be defeated. We would be all powerful politically and within our society.
The Right to Life Association of Western Australia has been defending life for fifty years. We are staunchly pro-life, from conception to its natural end, and we will not swerve from that stance.
We are asking all Christian churches to declare themselves pro-life too. To that end we have dedicated this program page which provides a list of churches who make the declaration.
Visitors to this page can find a Pro-Life church in their area. They can contact the minister, priest or pastor or church office via email, website or phone.
In this way also, we become a force to be reckoned with by our politicians. Too often they dismiss the Christian vote because they believe we are small in number and in any case too afraid to stand up for our Faith. They believe the driving force in our society is secular. We need them to know this is not true. We need Western Australia to know we are strong, large in number, and united.
I am asking you to lead your congregation in joining us in this fight to defend life.
Please join us in the fight.
God bless!
Steve Klomp
Right to Life Association of WA