Those children who survive an abortion should be given medical help, not left to suffer and die alone, a death that can take hours whilst they struggle to breathe.
This coming week parliamentarians will decide whether every Western Australian baby has an equal right to medical treatment or not.
Click on the video below on “Abortion Legislation Reform Bill 2023 – Second Reading” by Hon Nick Goiran MLC’s
Scrutiny of the Abortion Bill is expected to resume on Tuesday shortly after 1pm.
When Parliament was last in session, all of the second reading speeches were given by those MPs who opted to speak.
This week the Legislative Council will scrutinise the 59 clauses in the Bill.
During this stage, amendments can be moved and both Hon Kate Doust MLC and I have put amendments on the notice paper.
These amendments include:
- Mandatory care for babies born alive after an abortion, so that they will receive the same standard of care as any other West Aussie baby
- Prohibiting abortion for the purposes of sex selection
- Legislating an obligation for medical practitioners and referring practitioners to provide information about counselling, so that women are given the option to take this up
- An obligation to monitor, collect and report on the de-identifiable data associated with abortions
- Preventing doctor shopping by restricting the practitioners to those residing within Western Australia, as requested by the Australian Medical Association
Babies born alive after an abortion will only be guaranteed medical care if at least 18 Members of the Legislative Council vote in favour of this amendment.
It has been 25 years since the abortion law was originally passed in Western Australia, and this is the first time since that a Bill has been brought on by any government for reform or debate.
“Reform” in the eyes of Premier Roger Cook and the Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson, is quite different to reform that you or I think is warranted or appropriate.
So, I would encourage you to let your Voice be heard, to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves.
If not now, when?
Dr Joanna Howe has set up an easy way for you to reach out to Members of the Legislative Council (Upper House) to urge them to support the amendments to the Abortion Legislation Reform Bill 2023.
The scrutiny of the Abortion Bill is likely to continue all week during these times (estimates only):
- Tuesday 12 September: 1pm – 4.30pm, 5pm – 6pm, 7pm – 8.45pm
- Wednesday 13 September: 2pm – 4.30pm, 5pm – 6.20pm
- Thursday 14 September: 11.20pm – 1pm, 2pm – 4.30pm, 5pm – 5.20pm
You can watch the debate at any point this week live via this Legislative Council link.
Yours for the voice of every unborn baby and for every mother who just needs someone who cares,

PS: Please share this Facebook post calling for WA abortion laws to include protections to ensure every baby receives the care they deserve.