The Right to Life Association of Western Australia has received news via Margaret Quirk’s office* that abortion numbers are down in Western Australia.
In 2019 there were 7870 abortions in WA. This figure represents 19% of all pregnancies, down from 26% of all pregnancies in 1998.
This is good news! Whilst the death of even one child is unacceptable to us, and whilst this reduced figure still means more than twenty children are deliberately killed for State-sanctioned profit every single day in WA, any reduction in abortions is welcome news.
Now, be careful when looking at these figures! Remember that the population of the state has increased enormously over the last twenty years, so the percentages need to be carefully interpreted.
However, the reduction in absolute numbers is clear. It appears that the number includes all methods of abortion, including RU486. We can’t be sure of this of course, and we also know that abortions are at times described as other procedures, but it all looks very positive.
Let’s keep working! Every child is a gift. Every life is as valuable as every other life, born or unborn, young or old, fit or unwell.
* Margaret Quirk is a Member of the Legislative Assembly in Western Australia.
She is pro-life.
Steve Klomp